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McGraw-Hill E-Book Collection 電子書
McGraw-Hill以專業出版聞名全球,在建築、電機工程、商業企管、財經投資、醫學、社會與自然科學等出版領域享有盛名。 McGraw-Hill E-Book Collection電子書收錄於Library & Book電子書平台中,透過L&B平台可閱讀中、西文電子書共計1,766冊。
UDN 讀書館
提供商業理財、資訊電腦、語言學習、社會人文、生活休閒、心靈養生等主題中文電子書,並收錄部分遠見天下圖書。支援Android、iPAD平板電腦,可離線閱讀 ,目前共採購5,227冊中文電子書。
Bibliotex Digital Library
Bibliotex Digital Library為一電子書平臺,目前收錄4000多種專著電子書,且每年會有超過500種新電子書加入平臺,覆蓋廣泛的學科和主題。
本館目前引進生物科技相關圖書 13種。
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Columbia University Press (IG Library)
Columbia University Press創立於1893年,是美國歷史悠久知名大學附屬出版社。Columbia University Press 目前共收錄1,318本哥倫比亞大學出版社所出版之電子書,涉及主題廣泛,包含商經、人文、社會、自然科學等,出版年代範圍為1930至2008。心理學電子書目前有91冊。本系列電子書由「臺灣學術電子書暨資料庫聯盟」採購。
ProQuest Ebook Central
ProQuest Ebook Central結合ebrary,EBL及MyiLibrary現有電子書平台優勢,來滿足使用者最需要的內容與服務。Ebook Central累計共超過70萬本圖書,來自650多家出版社底下1,200多個出版品牌。線上閱讀不需要額外安裝其他軟體,支援線上閱讀、章節下載、整本下載 (離線閱讀),亦支援行動載具Android與iOS版本,可免費立建立個人書架來收藏您的圖書,也方便讀者進行畫線、註解、加入書籤等。
IOS Press books online電子書
IOS Press為STM國際出版社,每年出版約125種新書及85種期刊(近30種為core journals),主題有Assistive Technology Research、Artificial Intelligence、Administrative Sciences、NATO Security through Science Series、NATO Science for Peace and Security Series、NATO Science Series、Urban & Architectural Engineering、Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics、Health Technology and Informatics等等。本館可使用臺灣學術電子書聯盟採購之585冊電子書全文, 以PDF直接閱讀,提供主題瀏覽、書名瀏覽以及檢索功能。
Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis精選自旗下Taylor & Francis、Routledge、Psychology Press、CRC Press等多家出版社的學術專業參考書,領域涵蓋有人文、社會科學、行為科學、STM、法律等30大類。本館可使用臺灣學術電子書聯盟採購之5,785冊電子書,全文為 PDF 格式,可在各廠牌機型的行動裝置與智慧型手機上使用。
World Scientific
World Scientific為重要的科學主題出版社,許多出版的書籍為世界知名大學史丹佛、東大、劍橋、麻省理工等使用教科書,主題領域包括工程學, 醫學, 資訊科技, 環境科學, 管理科學等,目前可使用2,088筆電子書及9種電子期刊。
Cambridge Core電子書
Cambridge Core平台涵蓋超過30,000本電子書。書的主題相當廣泛,有包含醫學類、人文類、社會科學類、自然科學類…等包羅萬象的多元書種。透過Cambridge Core 平台本校讀者可閱讀共4,921本劍橋大學出版的電子書。
Oxford Scholarship Online 牛津線上學術電子書
Oxford Scholarship Online牛津學術線上電子書資料庫,所有書籍都經過同儕審核和委員會的審核,確保學科領域內的評論是客觀公平的,其主題有20種學科:生物、歷史、數學、哲學、公衛與流行病學、商管、法律、音樂、物理、宗教、古典研究、語言學、神經科學、政治學、社會工作、財金、文學、安寧照護、心理與社會學。本館可使用聯盟所引進7,031本的電子書。
Cellular Signaling and Phosphoproteomics 由 Aleksei Anatoliyovych Stepanenko (Editor)
Cellular signaling and phosphoproteomics examines various aspects of cellular signaling including an extensive overview ofadvances in mass spectrometry based strategies to study receptortyrosine kinases and Phosphoproteome discovery in human biologicalfluids. It includes Understanding cell signaling in cancerstem cells for targeted therapy, Role of Protein Phosphorylationin the Regulation of Cell Cycle and DNA-Related Processes inBacteria, Mass Spectrometry Offers Insight into the Role of Ser/Thr/Tyr Phosphorylationin the Mycobacteria, Computational phosphoproteomics. Provides the reader withinsights into the development of its history, so as to understand the Impact of ProteinPhosphorylation on Chlamydial Physiology, Phosphotyrosine profiling of curcumin-inducedsignaling and Deep Phosphoproteomic Measurements Pinpointing Drug InducedProtective Mechanisms in Neuronal Cells.
國際標準書碼: 9781773618302
出版日期: 2019-01-30
Cellular Therapy 由 Shraddha Gautam; Anjali Priyadarshini; Prerna Pandey
This book examines the current state and future prospects ofcell therapy. An essential guide to the data, basic science, outcomestudies and decision-making processes in blood and marrowstem cell transplantation. Stem cell research also involvescomplex ethical and legal considerations since they involveadult, foetal tissue and embryonic sources. The book providesa resource for students that will help them learn the basics in adetailed manner that is required for scientists and clinicians.
國際標準書碼: 9781773617640
出版日期: 2019-01-30
Concepts, Compounds and the Alternatives of Antibacterials 由 Valeria Severino (Editor)
Concepts, compounds and the alternatives of antibacterialsexamines various aspects of Antibacterial Drugs -- From BasicConcepts to Complex Therapeutic Mechanisms of Polymer Systems,including an extensive overview of antibacterial drugs. Itincludes Antibacterial Effects of Cinnamon: From Farm to Food,Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Industries, Bactericidal Propertiesof Plants-Derived Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles (NPs),Unique Features and Anti-microbial Targeting of Folate- and Flavin-Dependent MethyltransferasesRequired for Accurate Maintenance of Genetic Information. Provides thereader with insights into the development of its history, so as to understand the AntibacterialHydrogels, Evaluation of meso-substituted cationic corroles as potential antibacterialagents, Antibacterial, Hydrophilic Effect and Mechanical Properties of OrthodonticResin Coated with UV-Responsive Photocatalyst, Comparison of antibacterial activityof alexidine alone or as a final irrigant with sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine.
國際標準書碼: 9781773618340
出版日期: 2019-01-30
Stem Cells 由 Shiv Sanjeevi (Editor); Prerna Pandey (Editor)
Stem Cells: The Beginning of Regenerative Medicine deals with the significance of stem cells for the manufacture of regenerative medicines along with the techniques and approaches involved. It comprises future perspective of stem cells and tissue engineering together with the opportunities and challenges associated with it. It provides the reader with fundamental knowledge of stem cell technology in order to better understand its application in the production of regenerative medicines, the use of these regenerative medicines for kidney and to deal with the challenges associated with the application of stem cells. This book also discusses about engineered stem cell niche matrices for rotator cuff tendon regenerative engineering, application of nanomaterials in stem cell regenerative medicine of orthopedic surgery, regenerative therapeutic potential of adipose stromal cells in early stage diabetic retinopathy and cryopreserved dental pulp tissues of exfoliated deciduous teeth is a feasible stem cell resource for regenerative medicine.
國際標準書碼: 9781774074602
出版日期: 2019-12-01
上帝撿到槍 : 生命科學密碼 由 朱欽士
國際標準書碼: 9789869885751
出版日期: 2020