Discrete mathematics and its applications/7. ed., Global ed.
Discrete mathematics and its applications/Eighth edition, International Student edition
離散數學 = Discrete mathematics and its applications
A friendly introduction to graph theory
A first course in differential equations with modeling applications
Elementary differential equations with boundary value problems
Engineering computation with MATLAB/2nd
Engineering computation with MATLAB/3rd
Introduction to mathematical statistics
A first course in abstract algebra
SQL for data scientists : a beginner's guide for building datasets for analysis
Data science from scratch : first principles with Python
跨裝置網頁設計 : HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript、RWD、jQuery Mobile
HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript、Bootstrap5、jQuery、jQuery Mobile跨裝置網頁設計
Applied linear regression models
Applied linear statistical models : applied linear regression models
Principles and techniques in combinatorics
量子電腦與量子計算 : IBM Q Experience實作
Introduction to probability and mathematical statistics
A course in mathematical statistics
一步到位!Python程式設計 : 從基礎到資料科學應用 學習大數據分析的關鍵能力
Real and abstract analysis; a modern treatment of the theory of functions of a real variable