有機金屬化學/Organometallic Chemistry
核磁共振/Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
奈米科技/Introduction in Nanotechnology
生化感測/Introduction to Biosensing Technology
數據科學/Introduction to Data Science
Chemistry : the central science Thirteen edition
Chemistry : the central science Fifteenth edition, Global edition in SI units
General chemistry : the essential concepts 6th ed.
General chemistry : the essential concepts 7th ed
Listen Up : Improving your listening skills
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry
AI世代高中生也能輕鬆搞懂的運算思維與演算法 : 使用Python
Gas chromatography : analytical chemistry by open learning
HPLC and CE : principles and practice
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry : an introduction
The art of writing reasonable organic reaction mechanisms
Strategic applications of named reactions in organic synthesis : background and detailed mechanisms
March's advanced organic chemistry : reactions, mechanisms, and structure
Polymer chemistry : an introduction
Basic one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy